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My name is Kiara Yulieth Uní Muñoz, and currently, I am 23 years old. In this moment, I am part of the ELT program at Universidad de la Amazonia, and I am in seventh semester. 

I have always considered I am a girl who loves study. Especially, I consider that I am a girl with good abilities in the drawing or all related to the creation of materials and artistic things. Abilities that were improving since I was a child until now where I can show people what I am able to do.


Hello everyone! I am Kiara Yulieth. I am student of seventh-semester of English degree at the Universidad de la Amazonia from Florencia, Caquetá.

My student profile began when I was just 5 years old. I studied the elementary school in the “Centro Docente rural, El Cedro” at Saladoblanco, Huila. During these years in the school, I got honorific awards because I have always been considered as a responsible, honest and judicious girl by my teachers. Whereby, I got honorable mentions at the end of each school year. That made me happy, and my parents proud of me. In addition, I have a great appreciation for Precelia Muñoz, my elementary teacher, because she was the teacher that taught  me to read and write. She was like a second mother for me.


For the high school, I studied at Misael Pastrana Borrero High School when I was 11 years old. This was the only available high school at Saladoblanco. My experience during this stage of my life was meaningful for me since I met excellent people that today I called friends. Besides, I could keep my position as one of the best students in the classes. In addition, my friends and teachers always considered I was really creative and asked me everything about art and crafts.

I was a girl who had difficulties to express my ideas. I think that was one of my weaknesses. But, I had teachers that helped me to overcome these situations. My social science teacher was one of them. He told me: "If you practice too hard, you can overcome those weaknesses".

Grado 11
Grado 11

In my educational and personal formation, there were two teachers that had a significant impact on me. The first one was Rodrigo Sotto, my Spanish teacher. He had a very attractive way of teaching. His classes were carried out in a funny and creative way, but he was strict and clear at the same time. He is unforgettable. The other one is Mariela Claros, the teacher was in charge of ethic and values subject.  She was a  teacher that left me important teachings.

After all this adventure, I got graduated in 2011, when I was 16 years old. However, I did not stop there and I studied to be an administrative assistant during three months in the Instituto Politecnico Americano in Pitalito, Huila.


In a second instance, I started to study English at UNAD university. However, the lack of a good internet connection did not allow me to develop my career effectively. This occurred in 2013. But, two years after, I arrived in Florencia, Caqueta and began a new stage in my life. The most amazing one. Thus, I started to study English degree at Universidad de la Amazonia. this experience has been the best for me. Here, I have known many incredible people like teachers and friends who are contributed meaningfully to my process as a future English teacher as well as human being. This learning process has been hard but every single experience has been awesome because I have could learn something about it. 


All the process at the university, from the beginning, has been really hard but I have met people who have done this experience more comfortable. Those people are some of my teachers who have left an indelible mark on me because of their character, attitude, and excellent compromise with their profession. These factors have made them the best teachers and, above all, better human beings. From this perspective, I have had many experiences which have filled my expectations and left important lessons for my professional and personal life. One of those remarkable experience was my first experience in a rural school where I could realize the great and demanding work that a teacher has to face. Besides, I had the opportunity to participate as a speaker in a symposium in Cali with my research group to which I belong. Undoubtedly, this was an awesome experience. 


Currently, I am in seventh semester, and I have gotten many experiences which have been so significant and relevant for my professional and personal life. Additionally, I am developing my teaching practice I at Jorge Eliécer Gaitán high school, sede El Simón Bolívar with first graders. This process has been really fruitful because every day I could learn that the best teacher is that person who gives his/her soul and heart to make a difference in students. 


Pedagogical integatrion




English classmates


My first graders from Simón Bolívar school.




Symposium in Universidad de San Buenaventura.


Ubiversidad de San Buenaventura, Cali.


My partners


My teaching practice partners

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